%---- Varying parameters Omega0 0.1315948784351349 WindEnergyIn1e51erg 6.379638803255731 RadioFeedbackFactor 1.782260581307741 VariableWindVelFactor 10.180751764288777 RadioFeedbackReiorientationFactor 13.247195578484378 MaxSfrTimescale 1.666534476906907 OmegaBaryon 0.06345457935333253 HubbleParam 0.7849819217681885 SNII_MinMass_Msun 6.929842710494995 IMFslope -2.31190972328186 ThermalWindFraction 0.034015817667911265 VariableWindSpecMomentum 2416.166305541992 WindFreeTravelDensFac 0.006729555418282495 MinWindVel 166.499824821949 WindEnergyReductionFactor 0.1422921084464123 WindEnergyReductionMetallicity 0.002075014714110695 WindEnergyReductionExponent 1.2660035192966461 BlackHoleAccretionFactor 1.462056338888787 BlackHoleFeedbackFactor 0.26801800144749743 BlackHoleEddingtonFactor 1.376084341114858 SeedBlackHoleMass 3.0538906601204155e-05 BlackHoleRadiativeEfficiency 0.18535349170938425 QuasarThreshold 0.016091013536806045 FactorForSofterEQS 0.5028052746532566 WindDumpFactor 0.21921578198671343 QuasarThresholdPower 2.335261106491089 OmegaLambda 0.8684051215648652 %---- Relevant files InitCondFile /mnt/sdceph/users/camels/Sims/IllustrisTNG_zoom/zoom_115/Hydro/ICS/ics %---- Relevant files OutputDir /mnt/sdceph/users/camels/Sims/IllustrisTNG_zoom/zoom_115/Hydro SnapshotFileBase snap OutputListFilename /mnt/home/mlee1/ZOOM_SCRIPTS/times.txt %---- File formats ICFormat 3 SnapFormat 3 %---- CPU-time limits TimeLimitCPU 703000 % 48700 148000 195000 398000 703000 = ( (0.5 / 1.5 / 2 / 4 / 7) days - ~2 hours ) / 0.85 CpuTimeBetRestartFile 14400 % 7200 14400 21600 43200 = 2 / 4 / 6 / 12 hours ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand my-scriptfile %----- Memory alloction MaxMemSize 7000 %---- Caracteristics of run TimeBegin 0.0078125 % Begin of the simulation TimeMax 1.0 % End of the simulation %---- Basic code options that set the type of simulation ComovingIntegrationOn 1 PeriodicBoundariesOn 1 CoolingOn 1 StarformationOn 1 %---- Cosmological parameters BoxSize 200000.0 %---- Output frequency and output paramaters OutputListOn 1 TimeBetSnapshot 0.0 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.0 TimeBetStatistics 0.01 NumFilesPerSnapshot 16 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 16 %---- Accuracy of time integration TypeOfTimestepCriterion 0 ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.012 CourantFac 0.3 MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 MinSizeTimestep 2.0e-9 %---- Parameters for star formation model CritPhysDensity 0 % critical physical density for star formation (in cm^(-3)) CritOverDensity 57.7 % overdensity threshold value TempSupernova 5.73e7 % in Kelvin (1.0e8) TempClouds 1000.0 % in Kelvin FactorEVP 573.0 % (1000.0) TemperatureThresh 0 %---- Treatment of empty space and temperature limits InitGasTemp 170 MinGasTemp 5.0 MinimumDensityOnStartUp 1.0e-20 LimitUBelowThisDensity 0.0 LimitUBelowCertainDensityToThisValue 0.0 MinEgySpec 0.0 %---- Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1 ErrTolTheta 0.7 ErrTolForceAcc 0.0025 MultipleDomains 8 TopNodeFactor 2.5 ActivePartFracForNewDomainDecomp 0.01 %---- Initial density estimate DesNumNgb 64 MaxNumNgbDeviation 4 %---- System of units UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21 ; 1.0 kpc UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43 ; 1.0e10 solar masses UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5 ; 1 km/sec GravityConstantInternal 0 %---- Gravitational softening lengths SofteningComovingType0 2.0 SofteningComovingType1 2.0 SofteningComovingType2 4.0 SofteningComovingType3 8.0 SofteningComovingType4 16.0 SofteningComovingType5 2.0 SofteningMaxPhysType0 1.0 SofteningMaxPhysType1 1.0 SofteningMaxPhysType2 4.0 SofteningMaxPhysType3 8.0 SofteningMaxPhysType4 16.0 SofteningMaxPhysType5 1.0 SofteningTypeOfPartType0 0 SofteningTypeOfPartType1 1 SofteningTypeOfPartType2 2 SofteningTypeOfPartType3 2 SofteningTypeOfPartType4 5 SofteningTypeOfPartType5 2 GasSoftFactor 2.5 MinimumComovingHydroSoftening 0.25 AdaptiveHydroSofteningSpacing 1.2 %----- Mesh regularization options CellShapingSpeed 0.5 CellMaxAngleFactor 2.25 ReferenceGasPartMass 0 TargetGasMassFactor 1 RefinementCriterion 1 DerefinementCriterion 1 %----- Magnetohydrodynamics MHDSeedDir 4 MHDSeedValue 1.0e-14 %----- Cooling TreecoolFile code/data/TREECOOL_fg_dec11 %----- Subfind ErrTolThetaSubfind 0.7 DesLinkNgb 20 %----- Enrichment IMF_MinMass_Msun 0.1 IMF_MaxMass_Msun 100.0 AGB_MassTransferOn 1 SNIa_MassTransferOn 1 SNII_MassTransferOn 1 SNII_MaxMass_Msun 100.0 SNIa_Rate_TAU 0.04 SNIa_Rate_Norm 1.3e-3 YieldTablePath /mnt/home/mlee1/L75TNG_Arepo_GFM_Tables/Yields/ DesNumNgbEnrichment 64 % NOTE: different from IllustrisTNG setting MaxNumNgbDeviationEnrichment 4 %----- NSNS Enrichment NSNS_MassTransferOn 1 % do the thing NSNS_MassPerEvent 0.05 % Msun, from Shen et al. 2015, equals (mass ejected per NSNS merger) NSNS_Rate_TAU 0.1 % again, Shen 2015, 0.04 would be for the same as SNIa, could go down to 0.05 NSNS_per_SNIa 1e-3 % right now, just a number ERR and I talked about, need a reference %----- Initial gas metallicity PreEnrichTime 0.01 PreEnrichAbundanceFile code/L75TNG_initial_abundances.txt %----- Wind WindFreeTravelMaxTimeFactor 0.025 TimeBetOnTheFlyFoF 1.03 %----- Black holes MinFoFMassForNewSeed 5.0 DesNumNgbBlackHole 128 BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius 1.e20 %----- Black hole adios wind model RadioFeedbackMinDensityFactor 0.01 %----- Black central placement BlackHoleCenteringMassMultiplier 1000 %----- Metal cooling CoolingTablePath /mnt/home/mlee1/L75TNG_Arepo_GFM_Tables/Cooling/cooling_metal_AGN_Compton_self_shielding_Rahmati12.hdf5 MinMetalTemp 1e4 %----- Photometrics PhotometricsTablePath /mnt/home/mlee1/L75TNG_Arepo_GFM_Tables/Photometrics/ %----- AGN radiation TreecoolFileAGN code/data/TREECOOL_AGN SelfShieldingDensity 0.1295 ObscurationFactor 0.3 ObscurationSlope 0.07 %----- Softer EOS TempForSofterEQS 1e4 %----- Self-Shielding SelfShieldingFile code/data/SelfShielding_Rahmati12 %---- Tracers TracerMCPerCell 1