%---- Varying parameters Omega0 0.36181979812681675 WindEnergyIn1e51erg 2.3914527920314326 RadioFeedbackFactor 0.4403984178208025 VariableWindVelFactor 6.0704441331523915 RadioFeedbackReiorientationFactor 26.737119150103336 MaxSfrTimescale 3.257479337422596 OmegaBaryon 0.036475345581769944 HubbleParam 0.5621299628973008 SNII_MinMass_Msun 8.261230036616325 IMFslope -2.4913494290784 ThermalWindFraction 0.03060893665819686 VariableWindSpecMomentum 3992.282062768936 WindFreeTravelDensFac 0.04428427638559867 MinWindVel 251.38490311801434 WindEnergyReductionFactor 0.7660376998089522 WindEnergyReductionMetallicity 0.0010726225745590317 WindEnergyReductionExponent 1.1961097475141287 BlackHoleAccretionFactor 3.76108206189458 BlackHoleFeedbackFactor 0.07288051972967419 BlackHoleEddingtonFactor 0.6990325238954314 SeedBlackHoleMass 0.0001640009602426493 BlackHoleRadiativeEfficiency 0.06869072740482111 QuasarThreshold 0.012794382886283024 FactorForSofterEQS 0.45817809463195786 WindDumpFactor 0.6971599943935871 QuasarThresholdPower 2.1333142407238483 OmegaLambda 0.6381802018731833 %---- Relevant files InitCondFile /mnt/home/mlee1/ceph/IllustrisTNG_zoom/zoom_438/Hydro/ICS/ics %---- Relevant files OutputDir /mnt/home/mlee1/ceph/IllustrisTNG_zoom/zoom_438/Hydro SnapshotFileBase snap OutputListFilename /mnt/home/mlee1/ZOOM_SCRIPTS/times.txt %---- File formats ICFormat 3 SnapFormat 3 %---- CPU-time limits TimeLimitCPU 703000 % 48700 148000 195000 398000 703000 = ( (0.5 / 1.5 / 2 / 4 / 7) days - ~2 hours ) / 0.85 CpuTimeBetRestartFile 14400 % 7200 14400 21600 43200 = 2 / 4 / 6 / 12 hours ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand my-scriptfile %----- Memory alloction MaxMemSize 15000 %---- Caracteristics of run TimeBegin 0.0078125 % Begin of the simulation TimeMax 1.0 % End of the simulation %---- Basic code options that set the type of simulation ComovingIntegrationOn 1 PeriodicBoundariesOn 1 CoolingOn 1 StarformationOn 1 %---- Cosmological parameters BoxSize 200000.0 %---- Output frequency and output paramaters OutputListOn 1 TimeBetSnapshot 0.0 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.0 TimeBetStatistics 0.01 NumFilesPerSnapshot 16 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 48 %---- Accuracy of time integration TypeOfTimestepCriterion 0 ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.012 CourantFac 0.3 MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 MinSizeTimestep 1.0e-11 %---- Parameters for star formation model CritPhysDensity 0 % critical physical density for star formation (in cm^(-3)) CritOverDensity 57.7 % overdensity threshold value TempSupernova 5.73e7 % in Kelvin (1.0e8) TempClouds 1000.0 % in Kelvin FactorEVP 573.0 % (1000.0) TemperatureThresh 0 %---- Treatment of empty space and temperature limits InitGasTemp 170 MinGasTemp 5.0 MinimumDensityOnStartUp 1.0e-20 LimitUBelowThisDensity 0.0 LimitUBelowCertainDensityToThisValue 0.0 MinEgySpec 0.0 %---- Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency TypeOfOpeningCriterion 1 ErrTolTheta 0.7 ErrTolForceAcc 0.0025 MultipleDomains 8 TopNodeFactor 2.5 ActivePartFracForNewDomainDecomp 0.01 %---- Initial density estimate DesNumNgb 64 MaxNumNgbDeviation 4 %---- System of units UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21 ; 1.0 kpc UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43 ; 1.0e10 solar masses UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1e5 ; 1 km/sec GravityConstantInternal 0 %---- Gravitational softening lengths SofteningComovingType0 2.0 SofteningComovingType1 2.0 SofteningComovingType2 4.0 SofteningComovingType3 8.0 SofteningComovingType4 16.0 SofteningComovingType5 2.0 SofteningMaxPhysType0 1.0 SofteningMaxPhysType1 1.0 SofteningMaxPhysType2 4.0 SofteningMaxPhysType3 8.0 SofteningMaxPhysType4 16.0 SofteningMaxPhysType5 1.0 SofteningTypeOfPartType0 0 SofteningTypeOfPartType1 1 SofteningTypeOfPartType2 2 SofteningTypeOfPartType3 2 SofteningTypeOfPartType4 5 SofteningTypeOfPartType5 2 GasSoftFactor 2.5 MinimumComovingHydroSoftening 0.25 AdaptiveHydroSofteningSpacing 1.2 %----- Mesh regularization options CellShapingSpeed 0.5 CellMaxAngleFactor 2.25 ReferenceGasPartMass 0 TargetGasMassFactor 1 RefinementCriterion 1 DerefinementCriterion 1 %----- Magnetohydrodynamics MHDSeedDir 4 MHDSeedValue 1.0e-14 %----- Cooling TreecoolFile code/data/TREECOOL_fg_dec11 %----- Subfind ErrTolThetaSubfind 0.7 DesLinkNgb 20 %----- Enrichment IMF_MinMass_Msun 0.1 IMF_MaxMass_Msun 100.0 AGB_MassTransferOn 1 SNIa_MassTransferOn 1 SNII_MassTransferOn 1 SNII_MaxMass_Msun 100.0 SNIa_Rate_TAU 0.04 SNIa_Rate_Norm 1.3e-3 YieldTablePath /mnt/home/mlee1/L75TNG_Arepo_GFM_Tables/Yields/ DesNumNgbEnrichment 64 % NOTE: different from IllustrisTNG setting MaxNumNgbDeviationEnrichment 4 %----- NSNS Enrichment NSNS_MassTransferOn 1 % do the thing NSNS_MassPerEvent 0.05 % Msun, from Shen et al. 2015, equals (mass ejected per NSNS merger) NSNS_Rate_TAU 0.1 % again, Shen 2015, 0.04 would be for the same as SNIa, could go down to 0.05 NSNS_per_SNIa 1e-3 % right now, just a number ERR and I talked about, need a reference %----- Initial gas metallicity PreEnrichTime 0.01 PreEnrichAbundanceFile code/L75TNG_initial_abundances.txt %----- Wind WindFreeTravelMaxTimeFactor 0.025 TimeBetOnTheFlyFoF 1.03 %----- Black holes MinFoFMassForNewSeed 5.0 DesNumNgbBlackHole 128 BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius 1.e20 %----- Black hole adios wind model RadioFeedbackMinDensityFactor 0.01 %----- Black central placement BlackHoleCenteringMassMultiplier 1000 %----- Metal cooling CoolingTablePath /mnt/home/mlee1/L75TNG_Arepo_GFM_Tables/Cooling/cooling_metal_AGN_Compton_self_shielding_Rahmati12.hdf5 MinMetalTemp 1e4 %----- Photometrics PhotometricsTablePath /mnt/home/mlee1/L75TNG_Arepo_GFM_Tables/Photometrics/ %----- AGN radiation TreecoolFileAGN code/data/TREECOOL_AGN SelfShieldingDensity 0.1295 ObscurationFactor 0.3 ObscurationSlope 0.07 %----- Softer EOS TempForSofterEQS 1e4 %----- Self-Shielding SelfShieldingFile code/data/SelfShielding_Rahmati12 %---- Tracers TracerMCPerCell 1