MCMC Chains and Cobaya Input Files from Hill et al. (2020)

We provide download links to gzipped tar files containing the MCMC chains and Cobaya (v2) input files used in the analyses presented in Hill et al. (2020). These files correspond to the results presented in Tables 2, 4, and 6 in the paper (as well as in various figures), in which we sample the posteriors for various data sets in the LCDM and early dark energy (EDE) models using CLASS_EDE and Cobaya. In the following, we list the data set combinations used in each case, followed by links to the files for the LCDM and EDE analyses. Results derived in the paper can be obtained by post-processing these chains, e.g., with GetDist. Note that no burn-in has been removed from any chains, with the exception of the Planck 2018 LCDM run, from which the first 600 samples of all chains were excised as burn-in. If you use any of the other chains, you should remove a sensible burn-in fraction prior to analysis.

Constraints from Planck 2018 TT+TE+EE:
LCDM (50 MB)
EDE [n=3] (395 MB)
Constraints from Planck 2018 TT+TE+EE (uniform priors on f and log10m rather than fEDE and log10zc):
EDE [n=3] (1.0 GB)

Constraints from Planck 2018 TT+TE+EE + CMB Lensing, BAO, SNIa, SH0ES, RSD:
LCDM (39 MB)
EDE [n=3] (221 MB)

Constraints from Planck 2018 TT+TE+EE + CMB Lensing, BAO, SNIa, SH0ES, RSD, and DES-Y1:
LCDM (356 MB)
EDE [n=3] (931 MB)

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