We provide download links to fits files containing our galactic-dust-cleaned CIB map created with Planck NPIPE data and HI4PI Hydrogen column density data described in McCarthy (2024) . Please refer to this work for descriptions of the map creation pipelines. We provide CIB maps at 353, 545, and 857 GHz.

The 353 GHz additionally has a CMB template subtracted before cleaning with HI4PI data; this CMB template is described in Appendix A of McCarthy (2024) and is available at CMBNILC_Planck_McCarthy24

We provide CIB maps made both with the full season maps and with two independent Ring-half splits (although there remains common noise in these maps from the HI4PI data, for which we do not take splits).

The code used to create these maps is publicly available: https://github.com/jcolinhill/pyilc.

353 GHz
545 GHz
857 GHz
The masks are available below.
353 GHz mask(49 MB)
545 GHz mask(49 MB)
857 GHz mask(49 MB)
All publicly available maps are produced on the sky area left unmasked by the Planck 40% galactic plane mask. However, it can be more optimal to compute the covariance only on the area of sky that you are interested in. We provide sample code that can use pyilc to do this below.

email me: fiona dot mccarthy 0 at gmail dot com
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