We provide download links to fits files containing our patchy dark photon screening maps. These maps are described in McCarthy et al (2024) (including in the supplemental material). All maps are convolved with a 10 arcminute beam. A preprocessing mask is applied; this mask is also available to download from this page. Unless otherwise specified, these maps were created with the {30, 44, 70, 100, 143, 217, 353, 545} GHz Planck channels, and are made with the full-mission data; we also include two independent splits of the undeprojected map, indicated as RH1 and RH2.

''Full'' deprojection refers to tSZ+CIB+CIB-dbeta deprojection, plus CMB deprojection in the first five needlet scales. The CIB deprojection is done with a modified-black-body SED with parameters beta=1.6 and T = 20 K.

The dark photon decrement is normalized to its value at 353 GHz, such that these maps give the amplitude of the signal (in temperature) at 353 GHz.

These maps were created with the Planck single frequency maps, with some preprocessing steps applied; the preprocessed maps are available for download here.

Undeprojected map, full frequency coverage (385 MB)
tSZ deprojected map, full frequency coverage (385 MB)
Fully deprojected map, full frequency coverage (385 MB)
Fully deprojected map, without 30 and 44 GHz (385 MB)

Undeprojected map, full frequency coverage (RH1) (385 MB)
Undeprojected map, full frequency coverage (RH2) (385 MB)

Preprocessing mask (boolean)

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