TACC: Starting up job 8102592 TACC: Setting up parallel environment for MVAPICH2+mpispawn. TACC: Starting parallel tasks... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task with the maximum commited memoryn task=16), Smallest = 31183.68 Mb (on task=246), Average = 31204.43 Mb Total Mem: Largest = 32046.21 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 32046.21 Mb (on task=0), Average = 32046.21 Mb Committed_AS: Largest = 862.53 Mb (on task=246), Smallest = 805.83 Mb (on task=16), Average = 841.79 Mb SwapTotal: Largest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Average = 0.00 Mb SwapFree: Largest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Average = 0.00 Mb AllocMem: Largest = 862.53 Mb (on task=246), Smallest = 805.83 Mb (on task=16), Average = 841.79 Mb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System time: Thu Jan 12 00:27:52 2017 This is GIZMO, version 0.5, running on c526-204.stampede.tacc.utexas.edu as arwetzel. Build on login1.stampede.tacc.utexas.edu by arwetzel from default:40901ab779c0+ tip at ssh://hg@bitbucket.org/phopkins/gizmo, Jan 11 2017 17:19:28 Code was compiled with settings: HAVE_HDF5 OUTPUT_POSITIONS_IN_DOUBLE OUTPUTPOTENTIAL PERIODIC PMGRID=1024 PM_PLACEHIGHRESREGION=1+2+16 PM_HIRES_REGION_CLIPPING=2000 MULTIPLEDOMAINS=32 Running on 256 MPI tasks. Size of particle structure 256 [bytes] Size of sph particle structure 304 [bytes] Obtaining parameters from file 'gizmo_parameters.txt': InitCondFile initial_condition/ic_agora_m12f_ref13_rad6-chull_dm.ics OutputDir output ICFormat 1 SnapFormat 3 RestartFile restart SnapshotFileBase snapshot OutputListOn 1 OutputListFilename snapshot_scale-factors.txt NumFilesPerSnapshot 1 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 8 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.01 TimeBetSnapshot 1.1 TimeBetStatistics 0.05 TimeLimitCPU 202000 CpuTimeBetRestartFile 7000 ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand none MaxMemSize 1700 PartAllocFactor 2.5 BufferSize 80 TimeBegin 0.01 TimeMax 1 ComovingIntegrationOn 1 BoxSize 60000 Omega0 0.272 OmegaLambda 0.728 OmegaBaryon 0.0455 HubbleParam 0.702 MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 MinSizeTimestep 5e-09 TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.01 UnitLength_in_cm 3.08568e+21 UnitMass_in_g 1.989e+43 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 100000 WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'UnitMagneticField_in_gauss' ignored ! GravityConstantInternal 0 InitGasTemp 0 MinGasTemp 10 DesNumNgb 32 MaxHsml 1e+06 MinGasHsmlFractional 1 SofteningDisk 2 SofteningHalo 0.28 SofteningGas 0.007 SofteningStars 0.028 SofteningBulge 1 SofteningBndry 1 SofteningDiskMaxPhys 0.2 SofteningHaloMaxPhys 0.028 SofteningGasMaxPhys 0.0007 SofteningStarsMaxPhys 0.0028 SofteningBulgeMaxPhys 1 SofteningBndryMaxPhys 1 WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'AGS_DesNumNgb' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'BiniX' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'BiniY' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'BiniZ' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'ConductionCoeff' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'ShearViscosityCoeff' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'BulkViscosityCoeff' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'TurbDiffusionCoefficient' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'CosmicRayDiffusionCoeff' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'CritPhysDensity' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'SfEffPerFreeFall' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'InitMetallicity' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'InitStellarAge' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'WindMomentumLoading' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'SNeIIEnergyFrac' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'HIIRegion_fLum_Coupled' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'PhotonMomentum_Coupled_Fraction' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'PhotonMomentum_fUV' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'PhotonMomentum_fOPT' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'GasReturnFraction' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'GasReturnEnergy' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'CosmicRay_SNeFraction' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'GrackleDataFile' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'InteractionCrossSection' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'SIDMSmoothingFactor' ignored ! found 601 times in output-list. Hubble (internal units) = 0.1 G (internal units) = 43007.1 UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e+43 UnitTime_in_s = 3.08568e+16 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 100000 UnitDensity_in_cgs = 6.76991e-22 UnitEnergy_in_cgs = 1.989e+53 initialize Ewald correction... initialization of periodic boundaries finished. Allocated 128.125 MByte for FFT kernel(s). Allocated 260.121 MByte for particle storage. Allocated 293.966 MByte for storage of SPH data. reading file `initial_condition/ic_agora_m12f_ref13_rad6-chull_dm.ics' on task=0 (contains 103830259 particles.) distributing this file to tasks 0-255 Type 0 (gas): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 Type 1 (halo): 96239056 (tot= 0096239056) masstab=2.96583e-06 Type 2 (disk): 7591203 (tot= 0007591203) masstab=0 Type 3 (bulge): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 Type 4 (stars): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 Type 5 (bndry): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 reading block 0 (Coordinates)... reading block 1 (Velocities)... reading block 2 (ParticleIDs)... reading block 5 (Masses)... reading block 7 (InternalEnergy)... Reading done. Total number of particles : 0103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 0.464783 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 8.30466 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=690.992 MB) At 'DOMAIN', domain_Decomposition()/domain.c/308: Largest Allocation = 690.994 Mbyte (on task=0), Smallest = 690.994 Mbyte, Average = 690.994 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 0 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 0 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 0 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 0 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 0 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 0 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 0 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 0 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 0 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 0 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 0 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 0 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.9670 129.1027 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 0 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.8680 132.9707 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 0 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.8680 136.8387 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 0 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.8680 140.7067 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 0 16 0 P 247.5500 388.2567 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 0 17 0 SphP 293.9657 682.2224 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 0 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0312 682.2536 domain_allocate()/domain.c/451 0 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0312 682.2849 domain_allocate()/domain.c/454 0 20 0 TopNodes 0.4023 682.6872 domain_allocate()/domain.c/459 0 21 0 domain_key 7.7359 690.4231 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/229 0 22 0 toGo 0.0010 690.4241 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/232 0 23 0 toGoSph 0.0010 690.4251 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/234 0 24 0 toGet 0.0010 690.4260 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/236 0 25 0 toGetSph 0.0010 690.4270 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/238 0 26 0 list_NumPart 0.0010 690.4280 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/240 0 27 0 list_N_gas 0.0010 690.4290 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/242 0 28 0 list_load 0.0010 690.4299 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/244 0 29 0 list_loadsph 0.0010 690.4309 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/246 0 30 0 list_work 0.0020 690.4329 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/248 0 31 0 list_worksph 0.0020 690.4348 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/250 0 32 0 domainWork 0.0309 690.4658 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/252 0 33 0 domainWorkSph 0.0309 690.4967 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/254 0 34 0 domainCount 0.0309 690.5277 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/256 0 35 0 domainCountSph 0.0309 690.5586 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/258 0 36 0 topNodes 0.4332 690.9918 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/284 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- can't combine trees due to lack of storage. Will try again. Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.008 Allocated 0.585487 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 8.47179 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=691.28 MB) can't combine trees due to lack of storage. Will try again. Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0104 Allocated 0.742344 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 8.68898 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=691.654 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.01352 Allocated 0.946312 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 8.9714 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=692.14 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.017576 Allocated 1.21143 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 9.33848 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=692.772 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0228488 Allocated 1.55613 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 9.81577 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=693.594 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0297034 Allocated 2.00419 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 10.4361 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=694.663 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0386145 Allocated 2.58669 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 11.2427 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=696.052 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0501988 Allocated 3.34394 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 12.2912 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=697.858 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0652585 Allocated 4.32837 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.6543 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=700.205 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.084836 Allocated 5.60812 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 15.4262 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=703.257 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.110287 Allocated 7.27185 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 17.7298 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=707.224 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.143373 Allocated 9.43462 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 20.7244 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=712.381 MB) Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.186385 Allocated 12.2462 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 24.6174 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=719.086 MB) NTopleaves= 182372 NTopnodes=208425 (space for 245684) gravity work-load balance=1.00496 memory-balance=1.00496 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103410907 particles (ret=0) Freed 1.70558 MByte in top-level domain structure Allocated 125.172 MByte for BH-tree, and 0.695694 Mbyte for top-leaves. (presently allocted 818.488 MB) Begin Ngb-tree construction. Ngb-Tree contruction finished At 'SPH_DENSITY', density()/hydro/density.c/483: Largest Allocation = 836.38 Mbyte (on task=1), Smallest = 836.284 Mbyte, Average = 836.341 Mbyte Allowed region for isolated PM mesh (high-res): (27439.8|27546.3|27756.3) -> (32849.3|32955.8|33165.8) ext=5409.45 totmeshsize=12149.1 meshsize=5.93218 Setting up non-periodic PM kernel (GRID=2048) presently allocated=818.488 MB). Using 318.301 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1136.79 MB) At 'PM_NONPERIODIC_SETUP', pm_setup_nonperiodic_kernel()/gravity/pm_nonperiodic.c/521: Largest Allocation = 1136.93 Mbyte (on task=1), Smallest = 1136.17 Mbyte, Average = 1136.63 Mbyte Setting next time for snapshot file to Time_next= 0.01 (DumpFlag=1) Sync-Point 0, Time: 0.01, Redshift: 99, Systemstep: 0, Dloga: 0 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin= 0 103830259 0 0.000000000000 103830259 < * 0.00 0.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 12.2462 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 24.6174 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=719.086 MB) NTopleaves= 189379 NTopnodes=216433 (space for 245684) gravity work-load balance=1.00028 memory-balance=1.00028 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103297632 particles (ret=0) Freed 1.339 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=820.348 MB) Using 93.9492 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=901.92 MB) At 'PM_PERIODIC', pmforce_periodic()/gravity/pm_periodic.c/542: Largest Allocation = 905.436 Mbyte (on task=121), Smallest = 902.169 Mbyte, Average = 902.801 Mbyte Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=820.348 MB). Using 318.137 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1138.48 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=820.348 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 At 'GRAVTREE', gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtree.c/494: Largest Allocation = 903.668 Mbyte (on task=213), Smallest = 869.818 Mbyte, Average = 882.237 Mbyte Begin tree force. (presently allocated=820.348 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.01 sqrt()=0.418432 dlogmax=0.023106 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.01 sqrt()=0.404406 dlogmax=0.0501977 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 12.2462 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 24.6174 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=719.086 MB) can't combine trees due to lack of storage. Will try again. Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.2423 Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 255984 NTopnodes=292553 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00464 memory-balance=1.03209 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103474831 particles (ret=0) Freed 1.22845 MByte in top-level domain structure Using 95.4197 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=920.773 MB) Starting non-periodic PM-potential calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=838.025 MB). Using 319.607 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1157.63 MB) done PM potential. writing snapshot file #0... writing block 0 (Coordinates)... writing block 1 (Velocities)... writing block 2 (ParticleIDs)... writing block 3 (ParticleChildIDsNumber)... writing block 4 (ParticleIDGenerationNumber)... writing block 5 (Masses)... writing block 26 (Potential)... done with snapshot. Setting next time for snapshot file to Time_next= 0.05 (DumpFlag=1) Sync-Point 1, Time: 0.0100451, Redshift: 98.5513, Systemstep: 4.50736e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 0.00 0.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 250860 NTopnodes=286697 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00482 memory-balance=1.04254 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103455217 particles (ret=0) Freed 1.49652 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=836.665 MB) Using 96.5826 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=920.343 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=836.665 MB). Using 320.77 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1157.43 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=836.665 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 At 'RUN', run()/run.c/186: Largest Allocation = 836.667 Mbyte (on task=0), Smallest = 836.667 Mbyte, Average = 836.667 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 0 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 0 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 0 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 0 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 0 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 0 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 0 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 0 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 0 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 0 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 0 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 0 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.9670 129.1027 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 0 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.8680 132.9707 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 0 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.8680 136.8387 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 0 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.8680 140.7067 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 0 16 0 P 247.5500 388.2567 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 0 17 0 SphP 293.9657 682.2224 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 0 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0312 682.2536 domain_allocate()/domain.c/451 0 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0312 682.2849 domain_allocate()/domain.c/454 0 20 0 TopNodes 14.2176 696.5025 domain_allocate()/domain.c/459 0 21 0 DomainNodeIndex 0.9570 697.4595 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3625 0 22 0 Nodes_base 73.6905 771.1500 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3628 0 23 0 Extnodes_base 56.6850 827.8350 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3636 0 24 0 Nextnode 4.9616 832.7967 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3645 0 25 0 Father 3.8680 836.6646 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3652 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0100451 sqrt()=0.421258 dlogmax=0.0230026 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0100451 sqrt()=0.407135 dlogmax=0.0499734 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 2, Time: 0.0100904, Redshift: 98.1046, Systemstep: 4.52768e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 48.69 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 202392 NTopnodes=231305 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.0072 memory-balance=1.04251 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103474621 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.03217 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.802 MB) Using 95.1208 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.311 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.802 MB). Using 319.308 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.11 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.802 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0100904 sqrt()=0.424097 dlogmax=0.0229001 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0100904 sqrt()=0.409877 dlogmax=0.0497509 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 3, Time: 0.0101358, Redshift: 97.6599, Systemstep: 4.54809e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 33.50 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201125 NTopnodes=229857 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00689 memory-balance=1.04845 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103481787 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09845 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.465 MB) Using 96.6156 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=907.17 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.465 MB). Using 320.803 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1144.27 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.465 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0101358 sqrt()=0.426968 dlogmax=0.0227973 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0101358 sqrt()=0.412649 dlogmax=0.0495278 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 4, Time: 0.0101815, Redshift: 97.2172, Systemstep: 4.56859e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 28.60 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 202252 NTopnodes=231145 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00712 memory-balance=1.04685 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103422398 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.03949 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.764 MB) Using 96.0116 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.986 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.764 MB). Using 320.199 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.96 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.764 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0101815 sqrt()=0.429852 dlogmax=0.0226954 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0101815 sqrt()=0.415434 dlogmax=0.0493065 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 5, Time: 0.0102274, Redshift: 96.7765, Systemstep: 4.58918e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 26.05 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201510 NTopnodes=230297 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00705 memory-balance=1.04927 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103384508 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.07831 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.567 MB) Using 91.9099 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=903.508 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.567 MB). Using 316.097 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1139.66 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.567 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0102274 sqrt()=0.432755 dlogmax=0.0225939 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0102274 sqrt()=0.418238 dlogmax=0.0490862 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 6, Time: 0.0102735, Redshift: 96.3377, Systemstep: 4.60987e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 24.15 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201818 NTopnodes=230649 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00722 memory-balance=1.04274 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103420930 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.06219 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.649 MB) Using 93.1781 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=904.604 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.649 MB). Using 317.366 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1141.01 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.649 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0102735 sqrt()=0.435678 dlogmax=0.0224928 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0102735 sqrt()=0.421061 dlogmax=0.0488669 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 7, Time: 0.0103198, Redshift: 95.901, Systemstep: 4.63064e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 22.78 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201517 NTopnodes=230305 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00694 memory-balance=1.04982 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103343693 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.07794 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.569 MB) Using 95.373 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.28 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.569 MB). Using 319.561 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.13 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.569 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0103198 sqrt()=0.43862 dlogmax=0.0223922 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0103198 sqrt()=0.423903 dlogmax=0.0486486 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 8, Time: 0.0103663, Redshift: 95.4662, Systemstep: 4.65152e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 17.31 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201755 NTopnodes=230577 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00688 memory-balance=1.03759 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103427805 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.06549 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.632 MB) Using 93.2901 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=904.677 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.632 MB). Using 317.478 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1141.11 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.632 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0103663 sqrt()=0.441582 dlogmax=0.0222921 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0103663 sqrt()=0.426764 dlogmax=0.0484312 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 9, Time: 0.0104131, Redshift: 95.0333, Systemstep: 4.67248e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 16.95 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201517 NTopnodes=230305 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00718 memory-balance=1.04795 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103338155 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.07794 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.569 MB) Using 92.4904 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=903.974 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.569 MB). Using 316.678 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1140.25 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.569 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0104131 sqrt()=0.444565 dlogmax=0.0221924 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0104131 sqrt()=0.429644 dlogmax=0.0482149 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 10, Time: 0.01046, Redshift: 94.6024, Systemstep: 4.69354e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 16.46 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201573 NTopnodes=230369 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00728 memory-balance=1.04854 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103333724 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.07501 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.584 MB) Using 96.9206 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=907.533 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.584 MB). Using 321.108 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1144.69 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.584 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.01046 sqrt()=0.447567 dlogmax=0.0220931 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.01046 sqrt()=0.432544 dlogmax=0.0479994 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 11, Time: 0.0105071, Redshift: 94.1734, Systemstep: 4.7147e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 16.07 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201440 NTopnodes=230217 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00723 memory-balance=1.04505 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103474791 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.08197 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.549 MB) Using 94.2717 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=905.379 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.549 MB). Using 318.459 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1142.01 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.549 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0105071 sqrt()=0.45059 dlogmax=0.0219943 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0105071 sqrt()=0.435463 dlogmax=0.047785 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 12, Time: 0.0105545, Redshift: 93.7464, Systemstep: 4.73595e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.98 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201083 NTopnodes=229809 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00705 memory-balance=1.04741 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103409130 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.10065 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.454 MB) Using 96.0713 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.724 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.454 MB). Using 320.259 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.71 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.454 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0105545 sqrt()=0.453633 dlogmax=0.021896 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0105545 sqrt()=0.438403 dlogmax=0.0475715 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 13, Time: 0.0106021, Redshift: 93.3212, Systemstep: 4.7573e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.98 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201671 NTopnodes=230481 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00694 memory-balance=1.04151 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103411034 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.06989 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.61 MB) Using 95.7834 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.649 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.61 MB). Using 319.971 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.58 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.61 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0106021 sqrt()=0.456696 dlogmax=0.0217981 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0106021 sqrt()=0.441361 dlogmax=0.0473589 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 14, Time: 0.0106499, Redshift: 92.898, Systemstep: 4.77874e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.96 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201419 NTopnodes=230193 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00699 memory-balance=1.04648 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103422330 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.08307 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.543 MB) Using 95.8758 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.656 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.543 MB). Using 320.063 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.61 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.543 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0106499 sqrt()=0.459781 dlogmax=0.0217006 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0106499 sqrt()=0.44434 dlogmax=0.0471473 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 15, Time: 0.0106979, Redshift: 92.4766, Systemstep: 4.80028e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.94 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201244 NTopnodes=229993 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00674 memory-balance=1.03908 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103365253 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09222 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.497 MB) Using 95.1358 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.018 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.497 MB). Using 319.323 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1142.82 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.497 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0106979 sqrt()=0.462886 dlogmax=0.0216035 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0106979 sqrt()=0.447339 dlogmax=0.0469367 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 16, Time: 0.0107461, Redshift: 92.0572, Systemstep: 4.82191e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.96 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201258 NTopnodes=230009 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00699 memory-balance=1.04494 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103350496 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09149 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.501 MB) Using 92.3793 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=903.816 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.501 MB). Using 316.567 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1140.07 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.501 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0107461 sqrt()=0.466012 dlogmax=0.0215069 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0107461 sqrt()=0.450358 dlogmax=0.046727 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 17, Time: 0.0107945, Redshift: 91.6396, Systemstep: 4.84365e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.93 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201223 NTopnodes=229969 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00712 memory-balance=1.05871 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103410410 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09332 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.491 MB) Using 95.4857 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.292 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.491 MB). Using 319.673 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.16 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.491 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0107945 sqrt()=0.469159 dlogmax=0.0214107 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0107945 sqrt()=0.453398 dlogmax=0.0465182 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 18, Time: 0.0108432, Redshift: 91.224, Systemstep: 4.86548e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.93 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201468 NTopnodes=230249 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00712 memory-balance=1.04085 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103446446 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.08051 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.556 MB) Using 95.7229 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.547 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.556 MB). Using 319.91 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.47 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.556 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0108432 sqrt()=0.472327 dlogmax=0.021315 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0108432 sqrt()=0.456458 dlogmax=0.0463104 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 19, Time: 0.010892, Redshift: 90.8101, Systemstep: 4.88741e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.94 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201279 NTopnodes=230033 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00715 memory-balance=1.04825 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103385033 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09039 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.506 MB) Using 95.6865 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.468 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.506 MB). Using 319.874 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.38 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.506 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.010892 sqrt()=0.475517 dlogmax=0.0212197 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.010892 sqrt()=0.459539 dlogmax=0.0461035 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 20, Time: 0.0109411, Redshift: 90.3982, Systemstep: 4.90944e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.94 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 200978 NTopnodes=229689 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00692 memory-balance=1.0572 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103360113 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.10614 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.426 MB) Using 95.9941 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.634 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.426 MB). Using 320.182 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.61 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.426 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0109411 sqrt()=0.478728 dlogmax=0.0211248 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0109411 sqrt()=0.46264 dlogmax=0.0458975 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 21, Time: 0.0109905, Redshift: 89.9881, Systemstep: 4.93157e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.88 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201293 NTopnodes=230049 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00694 memory-balance=1.04173 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103374625 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.08966 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.51 MB) Using 93.264 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=904.534 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.51 MB). Using 317.451 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1140.96 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.51 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0109905 sqrt()=0.481961 dlogmax=0.0210303 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0109905 sqrt()=0.465763 dlogmax=0.0456924 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 22, Time: 0.01104, Redshift: 89.5798, Systemstep: 4.9538e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.90 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201132 NTopnodes=229865 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00675 memory-balance=1.04056 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103283444 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09808 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.467 MB) Using 94.0571 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=905.125 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.467 MB). Using 318.245 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1141.71 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.467 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.01104 sqrt()=0.485216 dlogmax=0.0209363 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.01104 sqrt()=0.468906 dlogmax=0.0454883 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 23, Time: 0.0110898, Redshift: 89.1733, Systemstep: 4.97613e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.86 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201069 NTopnodes=229793 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00727 memory-balance=1.04912 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103349780 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.10138 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.45 MB) Using 96.9902 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=907.455 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.45 MB). Using 321.178 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1144.63 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.45 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0110898 sqrt()=0.488492 dlogmax=0.0208427 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0110898 sqrt()=0.472071 dlogmax=0.045285 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 24, Time: 0.0111397, Redshift: 88.7687, Systemstep: 4.99856e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.88 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 200775 NTopnodes=229457 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00712 memory-balance=1.04645 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103410718 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.11676 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.372 MB) Using 96.7279 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=907.167 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.372 MB). Using 320.915 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1144.29 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.372 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0111397 sqrt()=0.491791 dlogmax=0.0207495 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0111397 sqrt()=0.475257 dlogmax=0.0450827 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 25, Time: 0.0111899, Redshift: 88.3659, Systemstep: 5.02109e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.84 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 201132 NTopnodes=229865 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00724 memory-balance=1.05077 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103436350 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.09808 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.467 MB) Using 95.7176 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.454 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.467 MB). Using 319.905 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1143.37 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.467 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0111899 sqrt()=0.495112 dlogmax=0.0206567 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0111899 sqrt()=0.478465 dlogmax=0.0448813 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 26, Time: 0.0112404, Redshift: 87.9649, Systemstep: 5.04372e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.85 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 200922 NTopnodes=229625 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00702 memory-balance=1.0523 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103366033 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.10907 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.411 MB) Using 95.3308 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=906.089 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.411 MB). Using 319.518 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1142.93 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.411 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0112404 sqrt()=0.498455 dlogmax=0.0205643 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0112404 sqrt()=0.481694 dlogmax=0.0446808 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 27, Time: 0.0112911, Redshift: 87.5657, Systemstep: 5.06645e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.88 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 200558 NTopnodes=229209 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00719 memory-balance=1.05862 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0103397045 particles (ret=0) Freed 4.12811 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=823.315 MB) Using 92.7211 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=903.904 MB) Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=823.315 MB). Using 316.909 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1140.22 MB) done PM. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=823.315 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=7.41523 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0112911 sqrt()=0.501821 dlogmax=0.0204724 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0112911 sqrt()=0.484945 dlogmax=0.0444812 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) Sync-Point 28, Time: 0.0113419, Redshift: 87.1683, Systemstep: 5.08929e-05, Dloga: 0.00449724 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 103830259 0 0.004497236510 103830259 < * 15.81 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 103830259 0 Sum: 103830259 domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=682.222 MB) Allocated 15.9013 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 29.6784 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=727.802 MB) NTopleaves= 200649 NTopnodes=229313 (space for 319389) gravity work-load balance=1.00784 memory-balance=1.05681 SPH work-load balance=0