TACC: Starting up job 7151030 TACC: Setting up parallel environment for MVAPICH2+mpispawn. TACC: Starting parallel tasks... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AvailMem: Largest = 31338.70 Mb (on task=208), Smallest = 31284.63 Mb (on task=0), Average = 31332.78 Mb Total Mem: Largest = 32046.21 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 32046.21 Mb (on task=0), Average = 32046.21 Mb Committed_AS: Largest = 761.58 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 707.52 Mb (on task=208), Average = 713.43 Mb SwapTotal: Largest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Average = 0.00 Mb SwapFree: Largest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 0.00 Mb (on task=0), Average = 0.00 Mb AllocMem: Largest = 761.58 Mb (on task=0), Smallest = 707.52 Mb (on task=208), Average = 713.43 Mb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Task with the maximum commited memory This is GIZMO, version 0.5. Running on 256 MPI tasks. Code was compiled with settings: HAVE_HDF5 OUTPUT_POSITIONS_IN_DOUBLE OUTPUTPOTENTIAL PERIODIC PMGRID=1024 PM_PLACEHIGHRESREGION=1+2+16 PM_HIRES_REGION_CLIPPING=3000 MULTIPLEDOMAINS=16 Size of particle structure 256 [bytes] Size of sph particle structure 304 [bytes] Obtaining parameters from file 'gizmo_parameters.txt': InitCondFile initial_condition/ic_agora_m12m_ref13_rad5-chull_dm.ics OutputDir output ICFormat 1 SnapFormat 3 RestartFile restart SnapshotFileBase snapshot OutputListOn 1 OutputListFilename snapshot_scale-factors.txt NumFilesPerSnapshot 1 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 8 TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.01 TimeBetSnapshot 1.1 TimeBetStatistics 0.05 TimeLimitCPU 202000 CpuTimeBetRestartFile 3600 ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand none MaxMemSize 1600 PartAllocFactor 1.5 BufferSize 80 TimeBegin 0.00990099 TimeMax 1 ComovingIntegrationOn 1 BoxSize 60000 Omega0 0.272 OmegaLambda 0.728 OmegaBaryon 0.0455 HubbleParam 0.702 MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 MinSizeTimestep 1e-10 TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.03 UnitLength_in_cm 3.08568e+21 UnitMass_in_g 1.989e+43 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 100000 WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'UnitMagneticField_in_gauss' ignored ! GravityConstantInternal 0 InitGasTemp 0 MinGasTemp 10 DesNumNgb 32 MaxHsml 1e+06 MinGasHsmlFractional 1 SofteningDisk 5 SofteningHalo 0.28 SofteningGas 0.007 SofteningStars 0.028 SofteningBulge 1 SofteningBndry 1 SofteningDiskMaxPhys 0.5 SofteningHaloMaxPhys 0.028 SofteningGasMaxPhys 0.0007 SofteningStarsMaxPhys 0.0028 SofteningBulgeMaxPhys 1 SofteningBndryMaxPhys 1 WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'AGS_DesNumNgb' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'CritPhysDensity' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'SfEffPerFreeFall' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'InitMetallicity' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'InitStellarAge' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'WindMomentumLoading' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'SNeIIEnergyFrac' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'HIIRegion_fLum_Coupled' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'PhotonMomentum_Coupled_Fraction' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'PhotonMomentum_fUV' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'PhotonMomentum_fOPT' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'GasReturnFraction' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'GasReturnEnergy' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'CosmicRay_SNeFraction' ignored ! WARNING from file gizmo_parameters.txt: Tag 'GrackleDataFile' ignored ! found 601 times in output-list. Hubble (internal units) = 0.1 G (internal units) = 43007.1 UnitMass_in_g = 1.989e+43 UnitTime_in_s = 3.08568e+16 UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s = 100000 UnitDensity_in_cgs = 6.76991e-22 UnitEnergy_in_cgs = 1.989e+53 initialize Ewald correction... reading Ewald tables from file `ewald_spc_table_64_dbl.dat' initialization of periodic boundaries finished. Allocated 128.125 MByte for FFT kernel(s). Allocated 226.886 MByte for particle storage. Allocated 256.406 MByte for storage of SPH data. reading file `initial_condition/ic_agora_m12m_ref13_rad5-chull_dm.ics' on task=0 (contains 150940140 particles.) distributing this file to tasks 0-255 Type 0 (gas): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 Type 1 (halo): 140876456 (tot= 0140876456) masstab=2.96583e-06 Type 2 (disk): 10063684 (tot= 0010063684) masstab=0 Type 3 (bulge): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 Type 4 (stars): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 Type 5 (bndry): 0 (tot= 0000000000) masstab=0 reading block 0 (Coordinates)... reading block 1 (Velocities)... reading block 2 (ParticleIDs)... reading block 5 (Masses)... reading block 7 (InternalEnergy)... reading done. Total number of particles : 0150940140 Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 0.382156 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 7.24512 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=619.055 MB) At 'DOMAIN', domain_Decomposition()/domain.c/297: Largest Allocation = 619.057 Mbyte (on task=0), Smallest = 619.057 Mbyte, Average = 619.057 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 0 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 0 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 0 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 0 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 0 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 0 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 0 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 0 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 0 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 0 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 0 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 0 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.8434 128.9792 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 0 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.3738 132.3530 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 0 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.3738 135.7267 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 0 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.3738 139.1005 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 0 16 0 P 215.9211 355.0216 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 0 17 0 SphP 256.4064 611.4280 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 0 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0156 611.4436 domain_allocate()/domain.c/437 0 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0156 611.4593 domain_allocate()/domain.c/440 0 20 0 TopNodes 0.3509 611.8102 domain_allocate()/domain.c/445 0 21 0 domain_key 6.7475 618.5577 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/222 0 22 0 toGo 0.0010 618.5587 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/225 0 23 0 toGoSph 0.0010 618.5596 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/227 0 24 0 toGet 0.0010 618.5606 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/229 0 25 0 toGetSph 0.0010 618.5616 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/231 0 26 0 list_NumPart 0.0010 618.5626 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/233 0 27 0 list_N_gas 0.0010 618.5636 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/235 0 28 0 list_load 0.0010 618.5645 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/237 0 29 0 list_loadsph 0.0010 618.5655 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/239 0 30 0 list_work 0.0020 618.5675 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/241 0 31 0 list_worksph 0.0020 618.5694 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/243 0 32 0 domainWork 0.0270 618.5964 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/245 0 33 0 domainWorkSph 0.0270 618.6234 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/247 0 34 0 domainCount 0.0270 618.6504 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/249 0 35 0 domainCountSph 0.0270 618.6774 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/251 0 36 0 topNodes 0.3779 619.0553 domain_Decompos()/domain.c/277 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.008 new value=0.0104 Allocated 0.487389 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 7.39083 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=619.306 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0104 new value=0.01352 Allocated 0.62426 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 7.58035 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=619.633 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.01352 new value=0.017576 Allocated 0.802143 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 7.82664 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=620.057 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.017576 new value=0.0228488 Allocated 1.03339 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 8.14683 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=620.608 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0228488 new value=0.0297034 Allocated 1.33406 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 8.56314 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=621.325 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0297034 new value=0.0386145 Allocated 1.72488 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 9.10429 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=622.257 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0386145 new value=0.0501988 Allocated 2.23294 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 9.80775 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=623.469 MB) Before=4641 Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0501988 new value=0.0652585 Allocated 2.89345 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 10.7223 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=625.044 MB) Before=4641 After=48257 NTopleaves= 42225 NTopnodes=48257 (space for 57716) gravity work-load balance=1.00913 memory-balance=1.00912 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150347843 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 5.36106 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 0.432999 MByte in top-level domain structure Allocated 85.2366 MByte for BH-tree, and 0.161076 Mbyte for top-leaves. (presently allocted 699.25 MB) Begin Ngb-tree construction. Ngb-Tree contruction finished At 'SPH_DENSITY', density()/hydro/density.c/476: Largest Allocation = 720.715 Mbyte (on task=0), Smallest = 720.436 Mbyte, Average = 720.613 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 0 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 0 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 0 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 0 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 0 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 0 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 0 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 0 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 0 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 0 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 0 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 0 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.8434 128.9792 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 0 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.3738 132.3530 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 0 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.3738 135.7267 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 0 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.3738 139.1005 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 0 16 0 P 215.9211 355.0216 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 0 17 0 SphP 256.4064 611.4280 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 0 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0156 611.4436 domain_allocate()/domain.c/437 0 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0156 611.4593 domain_allocate()/domain.c/440 0 20 0 TopNodes 2.3931 613.8524 domain_allocate()/domain.c/445 0 21 0 DomainNodeIndex 0.1611 614.0135 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3595 0 22 0 Nodes_base 44.2593 658.2728 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3598 0 23 0 Extnodes_base 34.0456 692.3184 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3606 0 24 0 Nextnode 3.5579 695.8763 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3615 0 25 0 Father 3.3738 699.2500 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3622 0 26 0 Ngblist 2.2697 701.5197 density()/hydro/density.c/256 0 27 0 Left 4.5394 706.0591 density()/hydro/density.c/258 0 28 0 Right 4.5394 710.5985 density()/hydro/density.c/259 0 29 0 DataIndexTable 2.7586 713.3571 density()/hydro/density.c/280 0 30 0 DataNodeList 7.3563 720.7134 density()/hydro/density.c/282 0 31 0 DensDataGet 0.0000 720.7134 density()/hydro/density.c/434 0 32 0 DensDataResult 0.0000 720.7134 density()/hydro/density.c/472 0 33 0 DensDataOut 0.0000 720.7135 density()/hydro/density.c/474 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allowed region for isolated PM mesh (high-res): (25404.2|25077.1|25782.1) -> (34308.1|33981|34686) ext=8903.91 totmeshsize=19144.9 meshsize=9.34808 Setting up non-periodic PM kernel (GRID=2048) presently allocated=699.25 MB). Using 347.038 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1046.29 MB) At 'PM_NONPERIODIC_SETUP', pm_setup_nonperiodic_kernel()/gravity/pm_nonperiodic.c/521: Largest Allocation = 1046.29 Mbyte (on task=0), Smallest = 1044.06 Mbyte, Average = 1045.47 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 0 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 0 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 0 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 0 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 0 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 0 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 0 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 0 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 0 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 0 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 0 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 0 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.8434 128.9792 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 0 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.3738 132.3530 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 0 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.3738 135.7267 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 0 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.3738 139.1005 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 0 16 0 P 215.9211 355.0216 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 0 17 0 SphP 256.4064 611.4280 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 0 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0156 611.4436 domain_allocate()/domain.c/437 0 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0156 611.4593 domain_allocate()/domain.c/440 0 20 0 TopNodes 2.3931 613.8524 domain_allocate()/domain.c/445 0 21 0 DomainNodeIndex 0.1611 614.0135 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3595 0 22 0 Nodes_base 44.2593 658.2728 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3598 0 23 0 Extnodes_base 34.0456 692.3184 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3606 0 24 0 Nextnode 3.5579 695.8763 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3615 0 25 0 Father 3.3738 699.2500 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3622 0 26 0 rhogrid 128.1250 827.3750 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/331 0 27 0 forcegrid 128.1250 955.5000 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/340 0 28 0 part 72.6302 1028.1303 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/348 0 29 0 part_sortindex 18.1576 1046.2879 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/355 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setting next time for snapshot file to Time_next= 0.01 (DumpFlag=1) Sync-Point 0, Time: 0.00990099, Redshift: 100, Systemstep: 0, Dloga: 0 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin= 0 150940140 0 0.000000000000 150940140 < * 0.00 0.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 2.89345 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 10.7223 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=625.044 MB) can't combine trees due to lack of storage. Will try again. Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.0652585 new value=0.084836 Allocated 3.75212 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 11.9112 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=627.091 MB) Before=47089 After=47457 NTopleaves= 41525 NTopnodes=47457 (space for 75031) gravity work-load balance=1.00074 memory-balance=1.00074 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150550454 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.78405 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 1.26224 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.064 MB) Using 121.805 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=802.92 MB) At 'PM_PERIODIC', pmforce_periodic()/gravity/pm_periodic.c/540: Largest Allocation = 808.525 Mbyte (on task=89), Smallest = 803.172 Mbyte, Average = 804.005 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 89 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 89 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 89 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 89 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 89 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 89 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 89 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 89 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 89 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 89 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 89 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 89 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.8434 128.9792 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 89 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.3738 132.3530 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 89 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.3738 135.7267 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 89 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.3738 139.1005 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 89 16 0 P 215.9211 355.0216 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 89 17 0 SphP 256.4064 611.4280 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 89 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0156 611.4436 domain_allocate()/domain.c/437 89 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0156 611.4593 domain_allocate()/domain.c/440 89 20 0 TopNodes 2.3534 613.8127 domain_allocate()/domain.c/445 89 21 0 DomainNodeIndex 0.1584 613.9711 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3595 89 22 0 Nodes_base 44.1800 658.1511 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3598 89 23 0 Extnodes_base 33.9846 692.1357 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3606 89 24 0 Nextnode 3.5548 695.6905 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3615 89 25 0 Father 3.3738 699.0643 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3622 89 26 0 rhogrid 16.0312 715.0955 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/151 89 27 0 forcegrid 16.0312 731.1268 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/158 89 28 0 part 53.9784 785.1052 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/166 89 29 0 part_sortindex 17.9928 803.0980 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/173 89 30 0 localfield_glob 2.5860 805.6840 pmforce_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/380 89 31 0 localfield_d_da 2.5860 808.2700 pmforce_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/382 89 32 0 localfield_firs 0.0010 808.2710 pmforce_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/384 89 33 0 localfield_coun 0.0010 808.2720 pmforce_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/385 89 34 0 localfield_offs 0.0010 808.2729 pmforce_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/386 89 35 0 localfield_togo 0.2500 808.5229 pmforce_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/387 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.064 MB). Using 345.992 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1045.06 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.064 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.064 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 At 'GRAVTREE', gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtree.c/496: Largest Allocation = 797.441 Mbyte (on task=225), Smallest = 733.502 Mbyte, Average = 760.953 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 225 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 225 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 225 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 225 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 225 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 225 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 225 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 225 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 225 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 225 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 225 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 225 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 225 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.8434 128.9792 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 225 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.3738 132.3530 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 225 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.3738 135.7267 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 225 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.3738 139.1005 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 225 16 0 P 215.9211 355.0216 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 225 17 0 SphP 256.4064 611.4280 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 225 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0156 611.4436 domain_allocate()/domain.c/437 225 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0156 611.4593 domain_allocate()/domain.c/440 225 20 0 TopNodes 2.3534 613.8127 domain_allocate()/domain.c/445 225 21 0 DomainNodeIndex 0.1584 613.9711 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3595 225 22 0 Nodes_base 44.1800 658.1511 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3598 225 23 0 Extnodes_base 33.9846 692.1357 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3606 225 24 0 Nextnode 3.5548 695.6905 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3615 225 25 0 Father 3.3738 699.0643 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3622 225 26 0 DataIndexTable 4.5283 703.5926 gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtre/148 225 27 0 DataNodeList 12.0755 715.6680 gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtre/150 225 28 0 GravDataGet 54.5359 770.2040 gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtre/414 225 29 0 GravDataResult 18.1786 788.3826 gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtre/492 225 30 0 GravDataOut 9.0566 797.4392 gravity_tree()/gravity/gravtre/494 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -1.81284e-06 Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.064 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.70734 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.00990099 sqrt()=0.417326 dlogmax=0.0242011 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.00990099 sqrt()=0.405804 dlogmax=0.0497764 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 1, Time: 0.00994571, Redshift: 99.5458, Systemstep: 4.4724e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 0.00 0.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=0 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 3.75212 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 11.9112 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=627.091 MB) can't combine trees due to lack of storage. Will try again. Increasing TopNodeAllocFactor=0.084836 new value=0.110287 Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=62441 After=62553 NTopleaves= 54734 NTopnodes=62553 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.00465 memory-balance=1.08669 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150244736 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.90364 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 1.60158 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=702.57 MB) Using 127.873 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=811.281 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=702.57 MB). Using 352.061 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1054.63 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=702.57 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=702.57 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -1.94752e-06 gravity force computation done. At 'RUN', run()/run.c/183: Largest Allocation = 702.572 Mbyte (on task=0), Smallest = 702.572 Mbyte, Average = 702.572 Mbyte ------------------------ Allocated Memory Blocks---------------------------------------- Task Nr F Variable MBytes Cumulative Function/File/Linenumber ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0010 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/121 0 1 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0020 pm_init_periodi()/gravity/pm_peri/124 0 2 0 slabs_per_task 0.0010 0.0029 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/260 0 3 0 first_slab_of_t 0.0010 0.0039 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/263 0 4 0 kernel[1] 128.1250 128.1289 pm_init_nonperi()/gravity/pm_nonp/293 0 5 0 Exportflag 0.0010 128.1299 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/31 0 6 0 Exportindex 0.0010 128.1309 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/32 0 7 0 Exportnodecount 0.0010 128.1318 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/33 0 8 0 Send_count 0.0010 128.1328 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/35 0 9 0 Send_offset 0.0010 128.1338 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/36 0 10 0 Recv_count 0.0010 128.1348 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/37 0 11 0 Recv_offset 0.0010 128.1357 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/38 0 12 0 ProcessedFlag 0.8434 128.9792 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/40 0 13 0 NextActiveParti 3.3738 132.3530 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/43 0 14 0 NextInTimeBin 3.3738 135.7267 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/46 0 15 0 PrevInTimeBin 3.3738 139.1005 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/49 0 16 0 P 215.9211 355.0216 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/55 0 17 0 SphP 256.4064 611.4280 allocate_memory()/system/allocate/71 0 18 0 DomainStartList 0.0156 611.4436 domain_allocate()/domain.c/437 0 19 0 DomainEndList 0.0156 611.4593 domain_allocate()/domain.c/440 0 20 0 TopNodes 3.1021 614.5613 domain_allocate()/domain.c/445 0 21 0 DomainNodeIndex 0.2088 614.7701 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3595 0 22 0 Nodes_base 45.6772 660.4474 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3598 0 23 0 Extnodes_base 35.1363 695.5837 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3606 0 24 0 Nextnode 3.6124 699.1961 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3615 0 25 0 Father 3.3738 702.5699 force_treealloc()/gravity/forcetr/3622 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.00994571 sqrt()=0.420148 dlogmax=0.0240927 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.00994571 sqrt()=0.408547 dlogmax=0.0495538 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 2, Time: 0.00999064, Redshift: 99.0937, Systemstep: 4.4926e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 22.81 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50329 After=51377 NTopleaves= 44955 NTopnodes=51377 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01184 memory-balance=1.07577 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150503395 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.42416 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11317 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.975 MB) Using 127.88 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=808.691 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.975 MB). Using 352.067 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1052.04 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.975 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.975 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.0199e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.00999064 sqrt()=0.422984 dlogmax=0.0239852 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.00999064 sqrt()=0.411302 dlogmax=0.0493329 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50545 After=51241 NTopleaves= 44836 NTopnodes=51241 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01826 memory-balance=1.08445 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0149485499 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.36147 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.1194 MByte in top-level domain structure Start computation of potential for all particles... Tree construction. Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. Tree construction done. Starting periodic PM-potential calculation. (presently allocated=699.943 MB) Using 119.602 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=802.037 MB) done PM-Potential. Starting non-periodic PM-potential calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.943 MB). Using 343.789 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1043.73 MB) done PM potential. potential done. I found the last snapshot call... Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. writing snapshot file #0... writing block 0 (Coordinates)... writing block 1 (Velocities)... writing block 2 (ParticleIDs)... writing block 3 (ParticleChildIDsNumber)... writing block 4 (ParticleIDGenerationNumber)... writing block 5 (Masses)... writing block 26 (Potential)... done with snapshot. Setting next time for snapshot file to Time_next= 0.05 (DumpFlag=1) Sync-Point 3, Time: 0.0100358, Redshift: 98.6436, Systemstep: 4.5129e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 22.28 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50641 After=51313 NTopleaves= 44899 NTopnodes=51313 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01219 memory-balance=1.07613 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150048324 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.36615 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.1161 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.96 MB) Using 122.876 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=804.673 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.96 MB). Using 347.064 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1047.02 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.96 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.96 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.18952e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0100358 sqrt()=0.425851 dlogmax=0.0238775 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0100358 sqrt()=0.414088 dlogmax=0.0491115 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 4, Time: 0.0100811, Redshift: 98.1955, Systemstep: 4.53328e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 37.14 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50601 After=51321 NTopleaves= 44906 NTopnodes=51321 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01434 memory-balance=1.08377 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150022276 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.4276 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11574 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.962 MB) Using 117.146 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=800.09 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.962 MB). Using 341.333 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1041.29 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.962 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.962 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.17262e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0100811 sqrt()=0.428731 dlogmax=0.0237706 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0100811 sqrt()=0.416887 dlogmax=0.0488919 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 5, Time: 0.0101266, Redshift: 97.7494, Systemstep: 4.55376e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 33.34 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50561 After=51233 NTopleaves= 44829 NTopnodes=51233 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01168 memory-balance=1.08189 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150100856 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.39545 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11977 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.941 MB) Using 122.784 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=804.581 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.941 MB). Using 346.971 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1046.91 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.941 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.941 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.11303e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0101266 sqrt()=0.43163 dlogmax=0.0236642 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0101266 sqrt()=0.419705 dlogmax=0.0486732 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 6, Time: 0.0101724, Redshift: 97.3054, Systemstep: 4.57433e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 31.06 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50497 After=51281 NTopleaves= 44871 NTopnodes=51281 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.0148 memory-balance=1.08614 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0149322255 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.39669 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11757 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.952 MB) Using 120.537 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=802.795 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.952 MB). Using 344.725 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1044.68 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.952 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.952 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.00276e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0101724 sqrt()=0.434549 dlogmax=0.0235582 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0101724 sqrt()=0.422541 dlogmax=0.0484555 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 7, Time: 0.0102183, Redshift: 96.8633, Systemstep: 4.59499e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 29.53 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50473 After=51217 NTopleaves= 44815 NTopnodes=51217 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01372 memory-balance=1.07629 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0149787495 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.39928 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.1205 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.937 MB) Using 125.739 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=806.941 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.937 MB). Using 349.927 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1049.86 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.937 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.937 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.03494e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0102183 sqrt()=0.437488 dlogmax=0.0234528 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0102183 sqrt()=0.425397 dlogmax=0.0482388 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 8, Time: 0.0102645, Redshift: 96.4233, Systemstep: 4.61575e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 29.33 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50457 After=51169 NTopleaves= 44773 NTopnodes=51169 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01703 memory-balance=1.08011 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150026416 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.45657 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.1227 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.926 MB) Using 121.95 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=803.898 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.926 MB). Using 346.137 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1046.06 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.926 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.926 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.0541e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0102645 sqrt()=0.440447 dlogmax=0.0233478 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0102645 sqrt()=0.428272 dlogmax=0.0480231 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 9, Time: 0.0103109, Redshift: 95.9852, Systemstep: 4.6366e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 29.32 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50529 After=51305 NTopleaves= 44892 NTopnodes=51305 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01583 memory-balance=1.07649 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0149997833 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.40444 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11647 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.958 MB) Using 123.174 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=804.91 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.958 MB). Using 347.362 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1047.32 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.958 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.958 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.15876e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0103109 sqrt()=0.443426 dlogmax=0.0232433 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0103109 sqrt()=0.431167 dlogmax=0.0478083 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 10, Time: 0.0103574, Redshift: 95.549, Systemstep: 4.65754e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 21.77 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50569 After=51385 NTopleaves= 44962 NTopnodes=51385 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01901 memory-balance=1.07648 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150132517 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.45103 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11281 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.976 MB) Using 120.454 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=802.752 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.976 MB). Using 344.642 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1044.62 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.976 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.976 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.1204e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0103574 sqrt()=0.446425 dlogmax=0.0231392 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0103574 sqrt()=0.434081 dlogmax=0.0475945 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 11, Time: 0.0104042, Redshift: 95.1149, Systemstep: 4.67858e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 21.71 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50465 After=51265 NTopleaves= 44857 NTopnodes=51265 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.0138 memory-balance=1.08184 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150047295 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.37887 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.1183 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.949 MB) Using 120.856 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=803.046 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.949 MB). Using 345.044 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1044.99 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.949 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.949 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.14363e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0104042 sqrt()=0.449444 dlogmax=0.0230356 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0104042 sqrt()=0.437014 dlogmax=0.0473816 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 12, Time: 0.0104512, Redshift: 94.6827, Systemstep: 4.69972e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 21.67 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50481 After=51273 NTopleaves= 44864 NTopnodes=51273 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01697 memory-balance=1.07557 SPH work-load balance=0 iter=0 exchange of 0150084105 particles (ret=0) domain decomposition done. (took 1.38793 sec) begin Peano-Hilbert order... Peano-Hilbert done. Freed 2.11794 MByte in top-level domain structure Start gravity force computation... Starting periodic PM calculation. (presently allocated=699.95 MB) Using 122.433 MByte for periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated=804.309 MB) done PM. Starting non-periodic PM calculation (grid=1) presently allocated=699.95 MB). Using 346.62 MByte for non-periodic FFT computation. (presently allocated 1046.57 MB) done PM. Tree construction. (presently allocated=699.95 MB) Tree construction done. Begin tree force. (presently allocated=699.95 MB) All.BunchSize=395689 tree is done. relative error in the total number of tree-gravity interactions = -2.03927e-06 gravity force computation done. type=1 dmean=7.78477 asmth=11.6851 minmass=2.96583e-06 a=0.0104512 sqrt()=0.452483 dlogmax=0.0229325 type=2 dmean=15.5695 asmth=73.2422 minmass=2.37267e-05 a=0.0104512 sqrt()=0.439968 dlogmax=0.0471697 displacement time constraint: 0.005 (0.005) predicting next timestep: 0.00450695 Sync-Point 13, Time: 0.0104984, Redshift: 94.2524, Systemstep: 4.72094e-05, Dloga: 0.00450695 Occupied timebins: non-cells cells dt cumulative A D avg-time cpu-frac X bin=19 150940140 0 0.004506953639 150940140 < * 21.82 100.0% ------------------------ PM-Step. Total: 150940140 0 Sum: 150940140 Particle split/merge check: 0 particles merged, 0 particles split Rearrange: Eliminated 0/0 gas/star particles and merged away 0 black holes. domain decomposition... LevelToTimeBin[TakeLevel=0]=19 (presently allocated=611.428 MB) Allocated 4.86836 MByte for top-level domain structure use of 13.4568 MB of temporary storage for domain decomposition... (presently allocated=629.753 MB) Before=50537 After=51345 NTopleaves= 44927 NTopnodes=51345 (space for 97540) gravity work-load balance=1.01643 memory-balance=1.07785 SPH work-load balance=0