%---- Relevant files % if restarting from snapshot file: % (1) rename InitCondFile to snapshot file name base, excluding block number and '.hdf5' % (2) change ICFormat to hdf5 = 3 % (3) change submission script to pass restart argument = 2 InitCondFile initial_condition/ic_L172_m12w_ref14_rad5-chull.ics OutputDir output %---- File formats (input and output) ICFormat 1 % 1=unformatted (gadget) binary, 3=hdf5, 4=cluster SnapFormat 3 % 1=unformatted (gadget) binary, 3=hdf5 %---- Output parameters RestartFile restart SnapshotFileBase snapshot OutputListOn 1 % = 1 to use list in "OutputListFilename" OutputListFilename snapshot_scale-factors.txt % list of scale-factors for snapshots NumFilesPerSnapshot 4 NumFilesWrittenInParallel 32 % must be <= N_processors and power of 2 %---- Output frequency (use if OutputListOn = 0) TimeOfFirstSnapshot 0.1 % time (code units) of first snapshot TimeBetSnapshot 1.1 % time between (if OutputListOn=0), code units TimeBetStatistics 0.05 % time between additional statistics (e.g. energy) %---- CPU run-time and checkpointing time-limits % 5 day -> 500000, 2 day -> 202000, 1 day -> 100000, 8 hr -> 33000, 2hr -> 8000, 1 hr -> 3900 TimeLimitCPU 202000 % in seconds. stops at 85% CpuTimeBetRestartFile 3500 % in seconds ResubmitOn 0 ResubmitCommand none %---- Desired simulation beginning and end times (in code units) for run TimeBegin 0.01 % Beginning of the simulation TimeMax 1.0 % End of the simulation %---- Maximum and minimum timesteps allowed MaxSizeTimestep 0.005 % in code units. for cosmological, in units of delta(ln(a)) MinSizeTimestep 1e-13 % set this very low, or get the wrong answer %---- Rebuild domains when >this fraction of particles active TreeDomainUpdateFrequency 0.002 % 0.0005-0.05, dept on core+particle number %----- Memory allocation MaxMemSize 7000 % sets maximum MPI process memory use in MByte PartAllocFactor 3.0 % memory load (x average particles per MPI task) allowed for better cpu balance BufferSize 100 % in MByte %---- Cosmological parameters ComovingIntegrationOn 1 % is it cosmological? (yes = 1, no = 0) BoxSize 116960. % in code units [default in kpc/h] Omega0 0.31 % = 0 for non-cosmological OmegaLambda 0.69 % = 0 for non-cosmological OmegaBaryon 0.048 % = 0 for non-cosmological HubbleParam 0.68 % little 'h'; = 1 for non-cosmological runs %---- System of units UnitLength_in_cm 3.085678e21 % sets to 1.0 kpc / h UnitMass_in_g 1.989e43 % sets to 1e10 M_sun / h UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s 1.0e5 % sets to 1 km / sec UnitMagneticField_in_gauss 1.0 % sets to 1 gauss GravityConstantInternal 0 % calculated by code if = 0 %---- (Optional) Initial hydro temperature & temperature floor (in Kelvin) InitGasTemp 0 % set by IC file if = 0. if IC file value != 0, use that instead MinGasTemp 10. % don't set < 10 in explicit feedback runs, otherwise 0 %---- Hydro reconstruction (kernel) parameters DesNumNgb 32 % domain-reconstruction kernel number: 32 standard, 60-114 for quintic MaxHsml 1.0e6 % minimum gas kernel length (some very large value to prevent errors) MinGasHsmlFractional 1.0 % minimum kernel length relative to gas force softening (<= 1) %---- Gravitational softening lengths %----- Softening lengths per particle type. If ADAPTIVE_GRAVSOFT is set, these %-------- are the minimum softening allowed for each type ------- %-------- (units are co-moving for cosmological integrations) SofteningDisk 2 % low-resolution dark matter/collisionless particles (type = 2) SofteningHalo 0.272 % high-resolution dark matter/collisionless particles (type = 1) SofteningStars 0.0272 % stars spawned from gas (type = 4) SofteningGas 0.0027 % gas (particle type=0) (in co-moving code units) SofteningBndry 0.0272 % black holes (if active), or collisionless (type = 5) SofteningBulge 1 % collisionless particles (type = 3) %---- if these are set in cosmo runs, SofteningX switches from comoving to physical %------- units when the comoving value exceeds the choice here %------- (these are ignored, and *only* the above are used, for non-cosmo runs) SofteningDiskMaxPhys 0.2 SofteningHaloMaxPhys 0.0272 SofteningStarsMaxPhys 0.00272 SofteningGasMaxPhys 0.00027 SofteningBndryMaxPhys 0.00272 SofteningBulgeMaxPhys 1 %----- parameters for adaptive gravitational softening AGS_DesNumNgb 32 % neighbor number for calculating adaptive gravsoft %------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------ Additional Fluid Physics ---------------- %------------------------------------------------------------ %---- Magneto-Hydrodynamics Parameters (MAGNETIC on) %----- Initial B-Field Strengths (if MHD_B_SET_IN_PARAMS on, otherwise read from IC file) BiniX 1.0e-8 % initial B_x, in code units BiniY 1.0e-8 % initial B_y, in code units BiniZ 1.0e-8 % initial B_z, in code units %---- Thermal Conduction (CONDUCTION on) %----- set coefficient kappa [code units] or, if CONDUCTION_SPITZER on, multiplies value ConductionCoeff 1.0 % set/multiply conduction coefficient %---- Navier-Stokes Viscosity (VISCOSITY on) %--- set coefficients eta,zeta [code units] or, if VISCOSITY_BRAGINSKII on, multiplies value ShearViscosityCoeff 1.0 % set/multiply shear viscosity coefficient BulkViscosityCoeff 1.0 % set/multiply bulk viscosity coefficient %---- Turbulent Diffusion Master Switch (TURB_DIFFUSION on) TurbDiffusionCoefficient 1.0 % Normalizes diffusion rates relative to Smagorinsky-Lilly theory [best calibration] (~0.5-2) %---- Cosmic Ray + Gas Fluids (COSMIC_RAYS on) CosmicRayDiffusionCoeff 1.0 % multiplies anisotropic diffusion/streaming coefficients %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------ Star, Black Hole, and Galaxy Formation --------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---- Star Formation parameters (GALSF on) CritPhysDensity 1000. % critical physical density for star formation (cm^(-3)) SfEffPerFreeFall 1.0 % SFR/(Mgas/tfreefall) for gas which meets SF criteria %-------------- FIRE (PFH) explicit star formation & feedback model (FIRE on) %--- initial metallicity of gas & stars in simulation InitMetallicity 0.0001 % initial gas+stellar metallicity (in solar) InitStellarAge 0.001 % initial mean age (in Gyr; for stars in sim ICs) %--- local radiation-pressure driven winds (GALSF_FB_RPWIND_LOCAL) WindMomentumLoading 1.0 % fraction of photon momentum to couple %--- SneII Heating Model (GALSF_FB_SNE_HEATING) SNeIIEnergyFrac 1.0 % fraction of mechanical energy to couple %--- HII region photo-heating model (GALSF_FB_HII_HEATING) HIIRegion_fLum_Coupled 1.0 % fraction of ionizing photons allowed to see gas %--- long-range radiation pressure acceleration (GALSF_FB_RT_PHOTONMOMENTUM) PhotonMomentum_Coupled_Fraction 1.0 % fraction of L to allow incident PhotonMomentum_fUV 0.01 % incident SED f(L) in UV (minimum scattering) PhotonMomentum_fOPT 0.01 % incident SED f(L) in optical/near-IR %--- gas return/recycling (GALSF_FB_GASRETURN) GasReturnFraction 1.0 % fraction of gas mass returned (relative to ssp) GasReturnEnergy 1.0 % fraction of returned gas energy+momentum (relative to ssp) %--- cosmic rays (COSMIC_RAYS) CosmicRay_SNeFraction 0.1 % fraction of SNe ejecta kinetic energy into cosmic rays (~10%) %-------------- Black Hole accretion & formation (BLACK_HOLES on) %--- formation/seeding SeedBlackHoleMass 0.702e-6 % initial mass (on-the-fly or single galaxy) SeedAlphaDiskMass 0.0 % initial mass in the alpha disk (BH_ALPHADISK_ACCRETION) SeedBlackHoleMinRedshift 2.0 % minimum redshift where new BH particles are seeded (lower-z ceases seeding) SeedBlackHoleMassSigma 0 % lognormal standard deviation (in dex) in initial BH seed masses %----- (specific options for on-the-fly friends-of-friends based BH seeding: FOF on) MinFoFMassForNewSeed 0.702e-3 % minimum mass of FOF group (stars or DM) to get seed, in code units TimeBetOnTheFlyFoF 1.01 % time (in code units, e.g. scale-factor) between on-the-fly FOF searches %--- accretion BlackHoleAccretionFactor 0.5 % multiplier for mdot (relative to model) BlackHoleEddingtonFactor 10 % fraction of eddington to cap (can be >1) BlackHoleNgbFactor 8 % multiplier for kernel neighbors for BH BlackHoleMaxAccretionRadius 0.1 % max radius for BH neighbor search/accretion (code units) BlackHoleRadiativeEfficiency 0.1 % radiative efficiency (for accretion and feedback) %--- feedback BlackHoleFeedbackFactor 1.0 % generic feedback strength multiplier BH_FluxMomentumFactor 1.0 % multiply radiation pressure (BH_PHOTONMOMENTUM) BAL_f_accretion 1.0 % fraction of gas swallowed by BH (BH_WIND options) BAL_v_outflow 30000 % velocity (km/s) of BAL outflow (BH_WIND options) BAL_internal_temperature 1e4 % internal temperature (K) of BAL outflow (BH_WIND_SPAWN) BAL_wind_particle_mass 1e-10 % mass of 'virtual wind particles' in code units (BH_WIND_SPAWN) %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %------------------ GRACKLE cooling module ----------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------- Grackle UVB file (GRACKLE on) GrackleDataFile CloudyData_UVB=HM2012.h5 %------SIDM parameters InteractionCrossSection 1.0 % cm^2 / g SIDMSmoothingFactor 0.5 % SIDM Smoothing Length in units of the force softening