Last updated: March 31, 2020 Contained in this directory are selected tabulated data for the work "Semi-analytic forecasts for JWST – IV. Implications for cosmic reionization and LyC escape fraction" (arXiv:2001.08751, submitted to MNRAS). "Data_LF_ext" contains UV luminosity function predicted by our fiducial models at z = 11 to 15. The ones labels "nd" are for "no dust". These are ploted in figure 1. the folders labeled "alpX.X" are for althernative scenarios where we adjust the free parameter alpha_rh, see section 2.1 for description and see figure 2 for results. "Data_nion" contains with \dot{n}_{ion} as a function of redshift without accounting for the LyC escape fraction ("nofesc"). These can be regarded as the overall number density-weighted production rate of ionizing photons. Alternative scenarios with adjusted alpha_rh are labeled with "alpX.X". The tag "bin" referred to the ones calculated with BPass binary, where the unlabeled ones are calculated with BC03. "old" is calculated with a constant xi_ion. "Data_quantiles" contains the specific production rate of ionizing photons (\dot{N}_{ion}/M_h) at z = 11 to 15. these are shown as in figure 3. "output_reion" provide the predicted redshift evolution of LyC escape fraction (fesc), ionizing photon emissivity (nion), ioninzed volume fraction (qhii), CMB optical depth (tau). The folder name indicates the xi_ion / SPS models used in the calculations, the escape fractions are labeled for each data file (e.g. xxxx_1.000_1.000_0.000.dat assumes an escape fraction that evolve from 1.000% to 1.000% with and logistical growth factor of 0.000). For more details see Yung et al. 2020 and cite