The value in each .txt file name specifies the redshift of the SAM simulation. The redshift is sampled as: np.linspace(0,10,101) For each redshift, the SAM generates 10000 dark matter halos with log halo mass distributed uniformly in 10<=log(M/M_sun)<=13. The EPS merger tree mass resolution is 10^10 M_sun, so SAM stops finding halo progenitors when the halo mass is less than 10^10 M_sun or 1% of the root halo, whichever is smaller. Simulation results for z=3.6 is missing because SAM fails to find numerical solutions for some of the dark matter halo merger trees. Only L(M) statistics of successful SAM simulations are provided. In each .txt file, the column contents are specified in the header. the 0th column specifies the halo mass value for each halo mass bin. Column 1-8 specifies the averaged star-forming dark matter halo line luminosity in that halo mass bin. Column 9-16 give the averaged line luminosity square values for star-forming halos in that mass bin, which will be useful for computing the auto power spectrum of [CII], CO, and [CI] lines. Column 17-44 give the averaged luminosity products of different lines, which will be useful for computing the cross power spectrum. Column 47 gives the duty cycle factor, specifying the fraction of star forming halos. We define a halo as star-forming if its central galaxy is star-forming, while we ignore quenched halo when computing the L(M) statistics because they are very faint emitters. i.e. we assume the line luminosities of quenched halos to be negligible. If you use these results, please cite Yang et al. arXiv:2108.07716