
A video of my contribution at the "Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data" conference Nordita, Stockholm.

Below you can find a list of contributed and invited talks with links to PDFs for some of the recent presentations. This list does not include contributions for collaboration meetings nor bachelor, masters, and PhD thesis defenses.


  1. Nov 2017 - "Cosmology with ACTPol and AdvACT" (invited talk), Cosmology Seminar - Case Western Reserve University, USA
  2. July 2017 - "Maximum-likelihood map-making for ACT" (contributed talk), Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data - Nordita, Stockholm [PDF]
  3. Feb 2017 - "Cosmology with ACT" (invited talk), UKZN, SKA, and AIMS - South Africa
  4. Feb 2017 - "Maximum-likelihood map-making for ACT" (contributed talk), Cosmology on Safari - South Africa [PDF]
  5. Jan 2017 - "From Time-Ordered Data to Cosmology with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope" (invited talk), Gravity Group Lunch - Princeton University, USA


  1. Mar 2016 - "New Probes of Large-scale CMB Anomalies" (invited talk), Cosmology Seminar - Case Wester Reserve University, USA


  1. Dec 2015 - "New Probes of Large-scale CMB Anomalies" (invited talk), Cosmology Seminar - University of Oxford, UK
  2. Nov 2015 - "New Probes of Large-scale CMB Anomalies (includes ACT work)" (invited talk), Cosmology Seminar - SISSA, Trieste, Italy
  3. Nov 2015 - "New Probes of Large-scale CMB Anomalies (includes ACT work)" (invited talk), Astro Seminar - McGill University, Canada
  4. Nov 2015 - "Dipole Modulation in the CMB Temeprature Sky" (invited talk), Bahcall Lunch - Princeton University, USA
  5. July 2015 - "Microwave Background Correlations from Dipole Anisotropy Modulation" (contributed talk), Santa Fe Cosmology Workshop - St. John's College, Santa Fe, USA


  1. Nov 2014 - "Extreme-value Statistics for Testing Dark Energy" (invited talk), Astro-statistics meeting - Carnegie Mellon University, USA
  2. Oct 2014 - "Extreme-value Statistics for Testing Dark Energy" (invited talk), Physics Seminar - University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
  3. Sept 2014 - "A Constraint on the Dipole Modulation of the CMB" (invited talk), Large-scale anomalies: from a priori to a posteriori - Center for Education and Research in Cosmology in Astrophysics, Case Wester Reserve University, USA
  4. May 2014 - "Extreme-value Statistics for Testing Dark Energy" (Poster), Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology - 306 IAU Symposium, Lisbon (full travel grant awarded)
  5. April 2014 - "Extreme-value Statistics for Testing Dark Energy" (contributed talk), Neighborhood Workshop on Astrophysics and Cosmology - Penn State University, USA


  1. Dec 2013 - "ΛCDM Predictions on the Stacked Late-ISW signal" (contributed talk), 27th Texas Symposium - Dallas, USA (full travel grant awarded)